Lighthouse project of Stadtreinigung Hamburg AöR

Climate-neutral mobility
As a pioneer, SRH has been relying on alternative, emissions-free drive technologies since 2009. A total of 100 electric vehicles, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes and thus 50 per cent of the vehicles in service, are currently driven by power from renewable sources – and the numbers are rising. The company is also working on the development of heavy-duty large machines driven without the use of fossil fuels, collaborating closely with manufacturers and leading in-use tests with prototypes for fully electric large sweepers, waste collection vehicles and electric excavators.
Stadtreinigung Hamburg AöR references
SRH app and Zero Waste Map (app)
Client: Own project
Period: Ongoing since 2018
For over two years, customers have been able to report so-called dirty spots or illegal waste disposal sites using the SRH app and a photo. Intelligent photo identification software automatically identifies the waste reported on the photo, categorises it and allocates the pick-up to the respective collection unit. A retraining function ensures the software continually learns to automatically identify types of waste in an increasingly precise manner – ensuring that planning processes can run even more efficient than to date.
The Zero Waste Map helps to prevent waste. Users, as well as retail businesses, can announce new waste-free offers directly and free of charge in the Zero Waste Map. The aim: to come closer to a waste-free lifestyle without compromising quality of life. It helps users find package-free shops, plastic-free alternatives, restaurants focused on sustainability, or repair cafés in Hamburg.
Hamburg – Gepflegt und grün
Client: Own projects
Period: Ongoing since 2018
Since 2018, SRH has been responsible for managing the cleanliness of the city. This means SRH ensures waste and dirt are quickly cleaned up, even if others are responsible for the cleaning. Via the SRH app and telephone hotline, people can report dirty areas. Also, since 2018, SRH has been responsible for the cleaning of Hamburg’s parks and green areas, with around 7,000 waste bins. The WasteWatcher+ are active throughout the city in explaining about waste disposal in the public realm and the punishments for soiling the city. On the vehicles and via a special event website,, SRH promotes the cleanliness of the city and the support of the people.
Hamburg räumt auf
Client: Own project
Period: Ongoing since 1998
Ever since 1998, SRH has been organising the annual city tidying-up event, Hamburg räumt auf!, which is the largest of its kind in Germany. In 2019, around 82,500 volunteers from 1,340 initiatives took part, collecting 170 tonnes of waste in the public space. SRH and sponsors provided the necessary material for the event and ensured the full rubbish sacks were collected.